No holiday stress here!

No holiday stress here!
IMMEDIATE NEED for 1 to 2 Occupational Therapists for an existing caseload of 20 afternoon and after-school hours, weekdays. Could grow to full time hours, if wanted.
I want to take this moment to thank all of the DPT family: therapists, parents, caregivers and children, as 2020 comes to a close. It has been a year none of us could have predicted or anticipated. We did an amazing job. We never quit at Darling Pediatric Therapies. We continued to provide the best therapy services we could for…
Q: I have been getting feedback that my child is having regulation issues, could OT help? A: OT in the private setting could assess your child’s sensory system with a variety of challenges that replicate school and home demands. Working in a sensory gym out of the school setting can allow your child the ability to learn to self-regulate in…
On August 3rd, 2024, Darling Pediatric Therapies will celebrate 15 years in the community, providing Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Physical Therapy. We have had the privilege of working with many families over the years. We have grown with you and your child and are always looking at what is best practice in all of our therapy fields. We…
Q: What can we do while we are on vacation and away from our regular therapy sessions? A: Vacation is a perfect time to use some of the strategies your child’s therapist has taught you both over the months for OT, PT and Speech needs. It does not have to be “perfect”, just put some “normalcy” back into your lives. …
Speech Language Pathologist Taylor Harrington is excited about joining our team. She has Saturday spots! She joins us with outpatient clinic and pubic school based pediatric experience. She has strong AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) skills and experience with feeding.
It is of the utmost importance that children learn to use the muscles in their tiny hands, wrists, and fingers while they are toddlers. Strong fine motor skills are necessary for developing important life skills as a child grows older, such as tying their shoes, writing, and using table utensils. The Therapy Center for Children says during the ages of 12-48…
We are a pediatric therapy practice in Roswell, Georgia that offers the finest facility for utilizing your skills while helping all deserving children with special needs. We have assembled a team of high-quality therapists who have a common goal of caring, professional services, for children in need. Offering Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Speech Therapy gives Darling Pediatric Therapies a…
I want to take this moment to thank all the DPT family: therapists, parents, caregivers, and children, as 2023 comes to a close. We have introduced some new team members to the DPT family this year. We have new ideas for 2024 and are excited to get started. We are an amazing team and I thank each one of you…
On August 3rd, 2023, Darling Pediatric Therapies will celebrate 14 years in the community, providing Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Physical Therapy. We have had the privilege of working with many families over the years. We have grown with you and your child and are always looking at what is best practice in all of our therapy fields. We…
Monica Krogmann is excited about joining our team. She has Monday and Wednesday spots! She joins us with 20+ years of pediatric experience and 10+ years of academic experience. She has strong skills with babies and children of all ages.