The DPT Family Coronavirus Plan January 2021

The DPT Family Coronavirus Plan January 2021

We are working hard at DPT to provide the safest environment possible in which to provide therapy in the clinic setting, while adhering to the CDC and the Governor of GA’s orders.  


  • We are providing individual one on one therapy in eight break-out rooms and two gyms, with a designated space for your child’s session.
  • Your child’s hands will be washed and/or sanitized when brought back for therapy.
  • We are utilizing a grid system to designate when an area is occupied, available and sanitized.
  • Social opportunities occur with your child and their therapist.
    • Socialization with others @ DPT is done at 6 feet or greater.
  • Sensory equipment used in therapy will be cleaned with sanitizer after each use.
  • All of our touch surfaces are sanitized throughout the day. 


  • If feeding is being done in your child’s therapy OR if you want your child to have a snack or drink:
    • We ask that feeding utensils and cup/ plate be brought from home.
    • We ask that the food items that will be used in your child’s therapy session be brought from home.
    • Your therapist will coordinate with you on what to bring to achieve the goals and the quantity.
    • PLEASE DO NOT EAT OR DRINK in the waiting room.

Waiting Room:

  • If you wish to wait for your child, in your car in the parking lot, please let your therapist know.  MAKE SURE you arrive at our office door 10 minute PRIOR to the end of your child’s session for wrap up.
  • While in the waiting room, PLEASE SOCIAL DISTANCE yourself and your child:  6 feet from others.
  • PLEASE DO NOT bring anything extra: such as toys or magazines into the waiting room.
  • NO FOOD OR NO DRINK should be consumed in waiting room.


  • If you would like for your child’s therapist to wear one, please let us know, we will be happy to do so. 
  • Speech therapy can be challenging with a mask.  Our speech therapist can wear masks with a clear plastic face piece, but it does negatively affect the projection of their voice.
  • Your child is welcome to wear one if you wish. Again, regarding communication, this can have a negative impact in the session.  Talk to your child’s ST for recommendations on face masks with a plastic face piece. 

Health and Cancelations:

  • Please only attend therapy if you and your child are well, without any infection, as always.  No fever. No signs of a respiratory illness.
  • If you, your child, family member, or caregiver has had an exposure or positive test or needs to quarantine for COVID-19- CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY – HIPAA guidelines are followed.
    • We are happy to check your insurance to see if telehealth is approved and appropriate if you need to be out of the clinic.

We know that this is a very stressful time for everyone.  Your child’s safety and well-being are our first priority.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me personally at any time.  

Darlene A. Robertson, Owner; [email protected]