Returning to a schedule at DPT frequently asked Q and A: Q: We are still doing telehealth; when do I need to resume my “normal” schedule with DPT? A: As summer begins to come to an end, we certainly encourage you to have your child resume their regularly scheduled time spot with DPT, even if you are still doing some…
I want to take this moment to thank my entire team at DPT. We are comprised of OTs, SLPs, a PT and an office manager. Every single one of them has done an amazing job during this pandemic. I asked them to adopt to a way of treating that we had never discussed or planned. They all took it on…
As we are slowly transitioning back to the clinic setting, several questions have been asked. In hopes of answering many, we are posting the frequent ones below. Q: When is DPT going to open? A: DPT continues to remain open, as we are deemed “essential healthcare caregivers” by the Department of Homeland Security. Initially, we significantly reduced our hours to…
Sensory breaks are not just for kids and not just for telehealth. They are also know as movement breaks or a brain break. They can increase ones the ability to calm down, focus, learn and self-regulate. Many families are finding themselves facilitating their child’s school work or therapy sessions during these Stay in Place days. With everyone staying in place,…
DPT wasted no time jumping into TELEHEALTH for our existing families, when insurance companies allowed. What we have found has been a pleasant surprise. We get to see the children in their home environments. We can observe feeding from a new angle and see the supports in the home. It helps us help our families with real time therapy intervention. …