Breakout Rooms
Break Out Rooms
We have 8 break out rooms. They allow us to work on some of the quieter activities and ones that require table top activities. We often have OT goals that address self-care goals of feeding, tooth brushing, dressing and more in addition to fine motor and pre- writing skills in these rooms. We have speech therapists with skills sets in AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) as well as oral motor feeding and have PROMPT trained therapists as well, that utilize these rooms. We provide one on one therapy. At the end of each session, wrap up and home instruction is given so the parent can reinforce the gains made in therapy and help those gains become part of the child’s daily routine.

Break Out Rooms
We have 8 break out rooms. They allow us to work on some of the quieter activities and ones that require table top activities. We often have OT goals that address self-care goals of feeding, tooth brushing, dressing and more in addition to fine motor and pre- writing skills in these rooms. We have speech therapists with skills sets in AAC (Alternative and Augmentative Communication) as well as oral motor feeding and have PROMPT trained therapists as well, that utilize these rooms. We provide one on one therapy. At the end of each session, wrap up and home instruction is given so the parent can reinforce the gains made in therapy and help those gains become part of the child’s daily routine.