Some suggestions to try to decrease (Sensory) stress over the upcoming holiday season
Holiday meals- Plan for your child to eat before you go and bring some snacks. Role-play situations such as, politely saying “no, thank you,”
Quiet time- for brushing, joint compression, and relaxing sensory play.
Keep your routine- Try to keep the time you wake up and go to bed the same and nap times consistent, so your child’s sleep schedule will be the same. Also keep your “screen time” rules the same as you do during school, so the good habits are kept.
Take two cars- If possible, have a backup driver, so if your child needs to leave a gathering early, one caregiver can accommodate that need.
Keep calm- Easier said than done but try to take that extra breath and realize it is the holidays and unexpected things might happen!
Have some adult time- Schedule some time for JUST you! No guilt, you deserve it. Even if it is brief, enjoy a few moments.