Q: What is considered a COVID exposure? 

A: If anyone in your family, your child’s caregiver (including teachers, nanny etc.) have contacted you about an exposure or a quarantine- THAT is an exposure we need to know about to keep all safe.  HIPAA and confidentiality are always kept.  That information is NOT placed in your child’s therapy notes.

Q: What if someone in my family has a positive COVID test?

A:  The same procedure is followed as for an exposure, we do need to know and all is confidential and kept out of your child’s therapy notes.

Q: How is the time and days needed to stay away calculated?

A:  DPT follows the most current CDC guidelines and recommendations, along with the Governor of Georgia’s orders.  

Q:  Can I still have therapy while quarantining?  

A: Yes, if your insurance allows teletherapy and it is appropriate for your child.  We can certainly look to accommodate your therapy sessions, if you wish.

We know that this is a very stressful time for everyone.  Your child’s safety and well-being are our first priority.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me personally.
