Q: I am so tired of virtual EVERYTHING! What are some outdoor activities my child can do?

A: There are so many great outdoor activities. For example, you can create obstacle courses with hula hoops, jump ropes, and other toys you already have at home. Obstacle courses are a great place for your child to practice walking, running, and jumping while continuing implementation of OT, PT, and ST skills. 

Q: What sensory activities can I add to my child’s outdoor play?

A: When the weather is warm, you may consider water play with water balloons. Add even more fun with shaving cream or sidewalk chalk. This is great for sensory while allowing your child to practice pre-handwriting and handwriting skills.

Q: How do I make outdoor play experiences successful?

A: Talk to your child’s therapists to discuss strategies that are already successful in therapy. Make a plan with your child and write it don so that everyone knows what to expect. Set limits such as time limits. Plan these experiences when you have more free time such as on weekends or over spring break. 

Q: What outdoor parks are open nearby?

A: There are several:  Morgan Falls Overlook Park 200 Morgan Falls Rd, Sandy Springs, GA 30350 Phone: (770) 730-5600; Chattahoochee Nature Center https://www.chattnaturecenter.org/ Wills Parkhttps://willspark.com/